Our Accredited Programs

PDRICMA ICF Approved Professional Coaching Certification Programs (Level 1 and Level 2) are powerful and distinctive programs for people who are looking for the fastest and most equipped way to become an internationally recognized certified professional coach.

All individuals who want to support their professional development and aim for change can participate in the programs.

The main purpose of the programs is to support individuals to become professional coaches by completing PDRICMA ICF Accredited training programs. In this context;

  • To enable people to see the world impartially and accepting differences,
  • To raise awareness of one’s self and others,
  • Developing the sphere of influence and deepening in relationship management by using strong communication skills,
  • Developing the sphere of influence and deepening in relationship management by using strong communication skills,

Programs are delivered by ICF Titled PDRICMA Faculty Leaders. Programs are offered in Turkish and English, with online and face-to-face classroom training options. You can contact us for programs that can be held in different languages abroad.


Our participants who complete our PDRICMA Professional Coaching Certification program will have coaching certificates approved by the ICF (International Coaching Federation) and accepted worldwide.


  • While these programs prepare you to receive training accredited by the ICF / International Coaching Federation;
  • You will see live coaching demos,
  • You will improve your skills by practicing with your colleagues,
  • The group will receive mentorships,
  • You will receive immediate feedback from our ICF Certified Coaches.

Participation Conditions:

For detailed information about participation conditions, you can send an e-mail to info@pdricma.com.tr or

Call 0 216 709 17 37

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