Our PDRICMA Coaching Approach

The condition that gave birth to the coaching profession and makes it so important; is that we need a driving force when we set the right goals for our own lives and make all kinds of decisions in all the changes we experience. Professions are born when there is a need, or they die when the need is over. It is clear that it is not a coincidence that the coaching profession is among the fastest growing professions. Coaching; unlocking our full potential, helping us move forward in this fast-paced world with true vision and passion. Coaching is one of the most powerful tools that triggers our inner motivation and makes our dreams come true.


Our ICF Accredited Professional Coaching Programs; explains coaching from the inside out, making use of in-depth studies and different disciplines.


As PDRICMA, we use the PDRICMA STAR Model, which is prepared with a human-oriented approach, while combining the most effective methods in a unique model.


Our approach is based on three key facts:


  • Every person has an ‘inner knowing/cognition’ about what is right for them.
  • People have the ‘internal resources’ with which they can create the life they want as a result of the choices they freely make.
  • Every person has the potential to be developed and is unique.

The mission of our PDRICMA Professional Coaching Certification Programs is “to train professional coaches and mentors who have internalized the coaching philosophy (the state of being a coach) and stance and are equipped with universal values. In this context, our vision is to be “Türkiye’s most preferred and inspiring Professional Coaching and Mentoring Academy”.


At the end of our programs, each of our graduates will be able to effectively clarify the Professional coaching process, internalize the coaching philosophy, accurately identify the client’s needs, and strongly support the client to create the action plan necessary to reach his goal.


We support each of our coaches who graduate from our PDRICMA Professional Coaching Certification Program throughout their entire coaching and mentoring journey and in the process of obtaining a title.


Because as PDRICMA we; We aimed to be the most preferred Academy that always adds value to coaching and mentoring.

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