This program is a program that lays the foundations of coaching, introduces people to the coaching approach and equips them with a wide variety of coaching tools and prepares them for an ACC title. This program, which lasts 6-9 months, has a holistic perspective.
The program, which lasts 85 hours, is given on-line or face-to-face by PDRICMA Faculty Leaders with ICF Titles.
It is done in Turkish and English. You can contact us for programs that can be held in different languages and abroad.
Our participants who complete our PDRICMA Professional Coaching Certification program will have coaching certificates approved by the ICF (International Coaching Federation) and accepted worldwide.
Program Content
Level 1 ICF Approved Professional Coaching Certification Program
This program is designed to deepen and internalize coaches’ coaching knowledge. The program is a program that teaches coaching with different disciplines, helps coaches to transform what they have learned in theory into practice and to master coaching tools, and prepares coaches to receive a PCC title. This program, which lasts 9-12 months, has a holistic perspective.
Program Content
ICF Approved Advanced Professional Coaching Program Level 2
Our program includes 75 hours of training and 10 hours of mentoring. It is given on-line or face-to-face by PDRICMA Faculty Leaders with PCC and MCC Titles approved by ICF.
Participation Conditions:
For detailed information about participation conditions, you can send an e-mail to or you can reach us on 0 216 709 17 37
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